Struggling to Improve Productivity and Move Faster? Try Hitting Pause
Aaron fairchild, co-ceo, leads an s2s workshop
Unlocking greater efficiencies to provide better financial, social and environmental returns has been at the core of our business. In a growing company when the pace is fast, it may seem counterintuitive, but ironically one of our most effective tools of continuous improvement is simply hitting the pause button. We call this work Slow Down to Speed Up, or S2S.
The S2S Philosophy
S2S is “how we look at problems and find solutions together,” says Green Canopy NODE’s co-CEO Bec Wilder Chapin. The business environment is constantly changing. As a company grows, its processes need to adjust to capture the changes that occurred with the scale – new channels, team members, or even a realignment of responsibilities. It’s easy to continue doing things the same way, but perhaps there’s a path to doing them better.
S2S starts with a workshop to identify bottlenecks and find solutions that improve efficiency.
The S2S Method
The S2S methodology provides a safe space for our team to discuss whether a process is working and encourages them to ask questions that look at problems from different angles. “People who care deeply about their work are connected to it with some emotional attachment to how they perform that work,” explains Green Canopy NODE’s VP of Operations, Ryan Nieto. “If someone feels defensive, they will not be able to move around that feeling toward resolution. On the other side lies someone inspired to create change,” he adds.
We also take the time to vet potential process improvement ideas for implementation, noting where the team expresses the most enthusiasm. But ultimately, there’s no silver bullet – instead of seeking the one thing to unlock all efficiencies, the point is to provide space to reevaluate the process periodically!
The Benefits of S2S for Stakeholders
At Green Canopy NODE, we are willing to consider new approaches to our work. By taking the time to pause and find ways for greater efficiencies, we believe we can deliver better results for our clients and our team.
Our commitment to S2S over the years has brought numerous benefits to our stakeholders. “We go through this process to ensure we continue to improve. Our goal is to instill confidence in our clients and, what is more, in our team,” says Greg Lotakis, VP of Integration.
In 2022 alone, we went through three S2S workshops for our sustainable development services, construction, and estimating channels, which resulted in improved performance and a better customer experience for our clients.
Don't let the fast pace of the construction industry hold you back. Take a moment to pause, assess and make changes to your processes for greater efficiencies, and better returns. Contact us today to work together to achieve your development goals!