Posts tagged branding
Seattle's Branded Builders: 2015 Market Share Report

4034 Linden Ave N - Green Canopy Homes, Image Courtesy of Soundview Photography

The numbers from the NWMLS are in! Below you will see the list of the Top 20 Branded Builders in Seattle as pulled from our local Multiple Listing Service data. More importantly, you will also see the percentage of the homes that each builder listed as certified Built Green.
Why is this data useful? It is a market insight that clearly shows builder trends and market impact. The data reveals the local trend toward more sustainable construction practices that impact our region and our nation. As Seattle remains at the top of national growth centers - builders here are in the spotlight and the quality of our housing stock sets a precedent.

So, how do Green Certifications impact our market? The Built Green certification standard means that Built Green certified homes were built to a standard that is beyond code. Simply put, Built Green certified homes are better than code-built homes because they are built to a standard that meets and exceeds our building codes. Not only are certified Built Green homes better quality than standard code built homes, but they cost less to own, have a reduced impact on the environment and put less strain on our water and energy resources. They are less toxic and have better indoor air quality which is imperative considering our growing asthma rates for adults and children across the US. Life in these homes are simply more comfortable and healthy.

Why aren't all builders building to this standard? Often the argument you hear builders make for not building to a standard that exceeds code is that it costs too much money, or that people will not pay extra for better quality. And yet most of the builders in the Top 20 are building at least some certified Built Green homes. So it stands to reason they have figured out how to make it work. Green Canopy would like to continue to encourage the Seattle homebuilding community to advance our collective building practices and embrace green building standards and techniques wherever and whenever possible. There will always be better quality homes than others, and homes that are more “green” than others. For those builders that have built and are continuing to build leading edge quality homes – THANK YOU and keep on keeping on blazing the trail for all of us to follow!

1122 23rd Ave S, gProjects; Images Courtesy of gProjects

A New Identity and Predictions for 2011

Contributed by Aaron Fairchild:

While we have been certain of our business model for two years, apparently we haven’t been certain about who we are. J

From our retail brand name, to our websites, to our legal entity, to the shareholder base, to our corporate location, so much of our company has changed!  The result is that we are rolling into 2011 refreshed, recharged and ready.  We are now located in Fremont, as a C-Corporation holding a homebuilding company named Green Canopy Homes with roughly 20 shareholders.  The changes have established a highly resilient, well funded and determined group, with a healthy following of fans and supporters.

2011 brings with high hopes and expectations combined with plenty of unknowns.  We anticipate our local real estate market to remain relatively flat and for interest rates to be higher.  We believe that the NWMLS will have new check boxes to list energy performance scores among other make-sense sustainability features.  We hope that the City of Seattle will announce the coming of an ordinance requiring all homes to have energy performance scores assessed at the time of sale.  We are certain that 2011 will see increased awareness of the benefits of energy efficient homes, which will translate into shorter sales cycles for Green Canopy Homes.  Lastly, keep an eye out for Green Canopy to expand its business offerings and impact in the residential market.

All the best to you in 2011!